What Are Mini Implants? Everything You Need To Know

If you’re looking to replace missing teeth, modern dentistry offers many great solutions that can restore your smile.

One of the most popular types of dental restoration procedures is the dental implant. Because of its structure, it can effectively blend in with your natural teeth and provide a very discreet way to replace missing teeth.

But if you’ve been reading about dental implants, you likely came across an interesting alternative: mini dental implants.

How do mini dental implants work? Are they better for you? Find out the answer in this short blog post!

How Mini Dental Implants Work

Mini dental implants are about half the size of a regular implant. While they have a similar structure, the metal post of the mini implant is just 3 millimeters wide.

Mini dental implants are inserted through a much more invasive procedure than regular implants. They are inserted into the jaw bone by being placed on the gum surface first. That makes the healing process faster. Traditional implants, which are placed under the gums, require around 6 months of osseointegration or more before the procedure can be completed.

The Benefits of Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are often recommended for patients who cannot receive a traditional implant for various reasons:

  • Jaw bone loss
  • Not being able to withstand an invasive procedure
  • Needing swift dental care

Mini implants are also a common choice to support dentures on the lower jaw when the patient cannot get traditional implants.

Essentially, mini dental implants can allow more people to access this form of dental restoration, including when they do not qualify for a traditional dental implant.

Are Mini Implants for Me?

If you want to know whether mini dental implants are right for you, the best way to find out is by scheduling a consultation with a specialist.

The type of restoration you may need to get back your full smile will greatly depend on many different factors:

  • Your current oral health
  • Medical history
  • Underlying conditions
  • Lifestyle, etc.

A specialist will carefully review your case and provide the best course of action that can help you restore both the health and look of your smile, be it through traditional implants, mini implants, dentures, or other types of dental restoration.

Struggling with Missing teeth? Glen Valley Dentistry Can Help!

Living with missing teeth isn’t just affecting your confidence and the way you smile. Over time, missing teeth can even lead to digestive issues, bone mass loss, and even change your facial features.

If you have one or more missing teeth, Dr. Shaun Williams is here to help you access the best oral health care to fully restore your smile.

Book a consultation at Glen Valley Dentistry today to get started!

Have more questions? Feel free to call us at (616) 891-8931 today.